Our Products Philosophy

Leanschi Watchwinder

Smart, Premium Accessories

At LEANSCHI, we think that a good product should not necessarily be luxury.

Therefore, we focus on fine items which are enjoyable, functional and durable. But first of all, they are affordable. We deliver best possible quality for a very fair price.

Our definition of “PREMIUM”!


“SMART” does not necessarily mean “CONNECTED”; on the contrary.

Our products are offering functions or features other competitive items may simply not have. Furthermore, because they are not connected, you will be able to use them longer: no need to update and no risk of functional obsolescence any time soon!

Our understanding for really “SMART” products!


Leather workshop

Products Well-Made In… This World

Made in China or Germany? The question is not about cost; it’s about providing the best possible quality at the best possible price… not the cheapest.

To make our items affordable, we are sourcing them all over the world. In the global world, champions can be anywhere. We simply work with some of the best manufacturers, use their knowhow and challenge them until they can comply with our most stringent, sometimes unusual demands.

A propos quality: we guarantee all our items 2 years long against any production defect; our watchwinders even 3 years. Simply because we are convinced about our products’ reliability.

