Dealers Login
Our BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY relies on strong partnerships with our RETAIL PARTNERS; as our business model is based on a classic B-to-B concept. We value partnerships and honour them in accordance.
Offering consumers enjoyable, superior products is a first mandatory step for a good supplier. Delivering the daily support, assistance and responsiveness level you need to make your job make out of LEANSCHI a reliable partner.
We are not just another brand, we are a supplier with a comprehensive offer
LEANSCHI understands itself as a universal supplier of quality accessories for the jewellery trade; and as a solution provider. Those accessories, our products, are complementary to watches and jewellery in your store, yet essential to win end-consumers loyalty or attract new clients. Working with our brand, you can source different product-groups from a single, reliable supplier.
We go beyond your expectations and bring clients to your store
Nowadays, consumers can choose a product from hundreds of different stores; either web-based or real. Yet, consumers are returning to the shop capable to surprise them, capable to offer unique products or superior services. LEANSCHI is offering premium, smart items capable of attracting them and even develop strategies for bringing consumers just to your store.
“There are only two classes - first class and no class.”
David O. Selznick
Polish film producer
We try harder for belonging to the first category…
Dealership Inquiry Welcome
Our motto, tantra, business idea: “L’accessoire est essentiel”
We don’t believe consumers will buy a LEANSCHI product because they need it. Most of them will purchase an item because they simply like it… We focus on refreshing, premium, attractive items and deliver enjoyable, lasting products your customers will cherish for years…
Indeed: the Superfluous is what human-beings need at most
You are a watch-dealer or a jeweller?
You are looking for a complementary source of business beyond your watches and jewellery offer? Looking for a supplier for different fine accessories in a reasonable price-range? For fair working conditions? If you are further looking for a hand-shake mentality, for a reliable and human-based customers’ support six days a week, for a brand working together on your side… Welcome to LEANSCHI.
For dealerships’ inquiries, send us a short, informal eMail.
… and we will back be back to you within the next 48hours.
Smart, fine accessories from Vienna | LEANSCHI merchant registration.
After the registration you will be displayed the retail prices until your account has been verified / validated as retailer.
Please send us your business license by fax.
Please send us your business license by fax to +49 2555 92 95 61. If you are already registered as a merchant, you can skip this step.
We will validate your information and activate your account!
We will activate your account after verification. You will then receive a confirmation email. From now on, you will be displayed the merchant purchase prices on the item and overview pages.
I'm already a customer.
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- Express Shopping
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- Overview of your orders incl. shipping informations
- Manage your newsletter subscription