Privacy policy


Thank you for your interest in our brand or products, as well as for visiting The respect of your privacy is a genuine concern for us.

In accordance with European laws and regulations, in full compliance with the relevant Austrian regulations (detailed in DSGVO | Datenschutzgesetz-Verordnung), is fully respecting your privacy and restricts the use of your personal data to your order processing only. Here-after, we would like to inform you thoroughly about the use we make from your data and how we proceed with them.


Data collection & processing for administration purpose

To proceed with an order, we must request some personal, yet essential information from you: name, address, phone number…etc. Similarly, when you write us an eMail or return a form to us, information are collected. They are strictly used for internal purposes and with the aim to answer you correctly. We never share those data with any third parties and we keep them strictly confidential, internal. Furthermore, once your request or order have been fully administrated, we delete personal data from our computing system and server: to protect them against possible subsequent hacker-attack.

Part of your personal data are stored on paper and in archives files; for example on invoices or delivery slips ; as invoices and other accounting documents must be stored for up to 7 years according to Austrian Fiscal regulations. Past this legal conservation obligation and terms, all paper-documents are definitely sorted-out and destructed.


Data processing during an order

To proceed with your order, we must forward some basic information to our fulfiller, shipping partners and payment service provider too. We do share with them only the information they duly need to know to fulfil their own task correctly; respectively the payment providers are collecting themselves and directly data from you, as you need to possess an account to use their payment services. All third parties involved in the process are equally bound by law to respect the legal privacy terms and data collection / administration regulations (However, Leanschi & Partners GmbH cannot be held liable for the use they make out of those information).


Your eMAil address in case you subscribe to our NEWSLETTER

In case you subscribe to our newsletter (will be published 4-5times a year max.), we are logically using and storing your eMail address. However, you can easily revoke the subscription whenever you want. As a consequence, your eMail address would be equally and definitely deleted from our system.

You can unsubscribe by EITHER choosing the [unsubscribe to Newsletter]-option at the bottom part of our website OR by sending us a short eMail signifying your wish to cancel your subscription OR by clicking on the corresponding link [UNSUBSCRIBE] at the bottom part of any previous newsletter you’d received.


Cookies use

To enable a smooth and pleasant navigation on this website, we are using COOKIES; as all other websites must. Cookies are small text files which are installed temporarily or durably on your device, computer, tablet or smart-phone; also to grant you a speedier access to the website on the occasion of subsequent visits online. They are not harming your system and do not contain nor spread viruses.

You can always choose to deactivate the use of cookies upon the setting-options from your browser, or to be informed about their installation anytime it occurs for choosing to accept or reject their installation. However, duly note that the denial from some cookies may lead to some malfunctions while navigating this website.

We do apologize for the possible inconveniences due to cookies’ refusal and regret today’s technical reality according to which websites cannot operate properly without their use.

On, we are not using cookies to collect personal information.


Your right to access your personal data and decide about its use

You have the possibility and right to request from us, free of charge and anytime, the nature and scope of data we have on file relatively to your person; and what is it used for. Furthermore you can ask for its total deletion.

If you want to make use of this right, or get further information about our data protection policy, you can revert to us under our eMAil address
[indicating « data protection » as subject matter in the header].



- WKÖ |  Austrian Chamber of Commerce
- Text freely translated from the German version provided by [Trusted Shops Rechtstexter], in cooperation with Wilde Beuger Solmecke lawyers. All right reserved.
